Nebraska Appleseed Statement in support of LB928 ICWA bill

NE_Appleseed_Icons_SystemicReform-128Today, Nebraska Appleseed issued the following statement on LB928 introduced by Senator Colby Coash and the State-Tribal Relations Committee.

“Nebraska Appleseed enthusiastically supports LB928 introduced by Senator Colby Coash and the State-Tribal Relations Committee,” said Robert McEwen, a staff attorney with Nebraska Appleseed’s Child Welfare Program. “This bill would add much-needed clarity to Nebraska’s state ICWA statute, removing legal ambiguity in child welfare cases that involve our state’s Native American children. LB928 exemplifies the efforts of the Nebraska ICWA Coalition, which has worked for the last five years to improve ICWA compliance in Nebraska and keep our state’s Native American children connected to their families and culture. The Nebraska ICWA Coalition thanks Senator Coash and the Tribal Relations Committee for their work on this bill and their continued efforts to advocate for Nebraska’s native tribes and children.”

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