Today, Nebraska Appleseed Executive Director Becky Gould issued the following statement in response to the Governor’s State of the State Address.
“This morning, Governor Heineman laid out his priorities for the next year in his State of the State Address. We agree with the Governor that Nebraskans value family, hard work, and fiscal responsibility and that the actions we take now will guide our state’s future,” Gould said. “But we think there is a better path forward. We have the chance in this session to strengthen the financial security of more hard-working families, make responsible decisions to grow our economy, and increase opportunity for all Nebraskans.”
“At the start of 2014 more than 14,000 Nebraskans have been able to purchase health insurance in the Marketplace. However, the lack of health insurance will continue to limit the futures of thousands of Nebraskans who fall into the coverage gap. It keeps people from being the best parents, employees, and community members they can be,” Gould said. “The Wellness in Nebraska Act, LB 887 (WIN), would close this gap, provide critical health insurance to at least 54,000 Nebraskans, and bring hundreds of millions of dollars into our state’s economy. The bill uses our private insurance market while ultimately reducing the rising costs of health care the Governor noted as a priority. It is the right thing to do for the health of our people and the future of our state.”
“Nebraska is in a stable fiscal position with a strong economy relative to most other states because we have made responsible decisions to invest in areas of our state that grow the economy,” Gould said. “We must continue to make responsible choices in our tax policy to benefit the most number of Nebraskans. That includes maintaining our state’s cash reserve fund, which protects our state from future, unforeseen economic conditions and is essential for future economic stability.
“Investing in our communities and providing the chance for all Nebraskans to earn a fair wage for a hard day’s work while being able to afford health care is the surest path to a secure and prosperous future for our state,” Gould said. “The choices our senators make in this session can move us further on that path towards increased opportunity, justice, and success for all Nebraskans.”