Will You Stand Up to Anti-Immigrant Sentiment In Our State?

DiAnna SchimekYou’ve seen how over the past few months a few members of our state and communities have pursued misguided and harmful public policy designed to create fear and division and turn neighbor against neighbor:

  • Governor Heineman’s administration eliminated pre-natal care for children of undocumented women
  • Fremont voters passed a divisive and unconstitutional anti-immigrant ordinance, creating a climate of fear and distrust
  • And now State Senator Charlie Janssen of Fremont has announced plans to introduce an Arizona-style anti-immigrant bill in the coming legislative session [1]

This simply can’t continue.

Will you donate $25, $50, $100 or more to help Nebraska Appleseed:

  • Restore prenatal care to all pregnant women in Nebraska 
  • Ensure no other communities follow in the steps of Fremont 
  • Stop an Arizona-style copycat bill from passing in Nebraska

Read more about Appleseed’s work on these issues here

Now is the time to take a stand against anti-immigrant sentiment in our state.

Each day Nebraska Appleseed staff are developing legal strategies, providing positive policy options and educating community members about their rights and opportunities to build strong, integrated communities.  Together, you and Nebraska Appleseed will stand strong with new immigrants and longtime community members, faith groups and community organizations, union workers and small business owners to challenge anti-immigrant proposals head-on in the coming legislative session.

Will you donate $25, $50, $100 or more to help Nebraska Appleseed challenge the anti-immigrant forces in Nebraska that seek to alienate and divide our communities?

But stopping divisive, punitive legislation is only one part of a greater fight.  We need rational and humane federal immigration reform that reflects our values and moves us all forward together.

Nebraska Appleseed is aggressively working with our state and national partners to accomplish common-sense and comprehensive immigration reform that reflects our shared values of community, equality, opportunity, and justice.

Whether you donate $25, $50, $100 or more you will show that anti-immigrant laws are not tolerated in Nebraska and that we are stronger when we stand together.

Thank you for your support and helping to build a more just and humane immigration system.


DiAnna Schimek
Nebraska Appleseed Board Member

[1] “Lawmaker plans Arizona-style immigrant bill for Nebraska” Lincoln Journal Star, 18 May 2010

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