Committee hearings for the 2022 session are complete. The Legislature began all-day floor debate this week and will continue until they adjourn in April, with late-night sessions starting next week. Learn more about the floor debate process in my short explainer here.
This week’s agenda
You can find today’s agenda here, which includes LB1173, prioritized by the Health and Human Services Committee, which includes the ending of the Eastern Service Area child welfare privatization pilot project. This bill is currently on select file.
On Wednesday, LB1073 will be on the agenda for discussion. This bill will require Nebraska to accept federal funding for emergency rental assistance. Nebraska is one of two states that has refused to apply for this assistance that is much needed for communities across the state. LB1073’s passage would mean that these federal funds could be used to help with rent and utility payments through 2025. Thanks to Senator Justin Wayne for introducing the bill and to Senator Matt Hansen for prioritizing this important issue. This bill is currently on general file.
Stay tuned for updates on how you can show your support for Appleseed’s priorities as they hit the floor for debate.
Last week’s final hearing
Last Thursday, we testified in support of LB1000, along with our friends at Voices for Children, ACLU of Nebraska, and other partners. Introduced by Senator Ben Hansen, this legislation updates Nebraska’s broad definition of neglect in our child welfare system. As stated in our testimony, children benefit from opportunities to be kids, and families shouldn’t have unnecessary barriers in place to give their kids independence.
Stay up to date on Appleseed’s issues
You can keep up with all the happenings at the Legislature by following Appleseed online. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Don’t miss out on our live updates on legislative hearings on Twitter. Stop by our blog for opinion pieces, informative updates, and news stories.
We’ll let you know how you can take action to get involved and make your voice heard throughout the session!
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