Will you make a phone call today to protect the ability for tens of thousands of Nebraskans to put food on their table?
Now is an important time for your Congressman to hear from you. Last week, the House Agriculture Committee proposed the 2018 Farm Bill, which put forward drastic cuts and harmful new restrictions to our country’s most-important food security program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
SNAP helps 1 in 11 Nebraskans – mostly families with children – afford a basic diet. It’s a proven success at keeping thousands of families out of poverty while putting money straight into local economies. SNAP is a win-win for struggling families and local food producers.
But the dangerous provisions proposed in the Farm Bill will take food off the table for Nebraska families who struggle to afford basic meals. They will punish people who are looking for a job or people who are caring for children or family members.
You can tell your Congressman to let SNAP keep working for those who need help the most. Please call your Congressman today. Tell them to oppose new cuts and restrictions in the Farm Bill.
Take Action!
Tell your House member the Farm Bill must not contain cuts or new restrictions to SNAP. These would risk the ability to get essential meals for Nebraskans who need them the most, children, hard-working families, and seniors.
District 1 – Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (202) 225-4806 District 2 – Rep. Don Bacon (202) 225-4155
District 3 – Rep. Adrian Smith (202) 225-6435
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