Take Action – Tell U.S. Senators every Nebraskan needs quality health insurance

Congress must protect, not dismantle essential health coverage protections that help thousands of Nebraskans


23 million people.

That’s how many Americans would lose health coverage if the U.S. Senate passes the American Health Care Act (AHCA) that was passed by the House of Representatives.

And even people who could still afford insurance would see a big loss of protections – like coverage for preexisting conditions, preventive care, and essential medical services. Meaning the coverage they did pay for could exist in name only.

But you can make a call today to protect good, affordable health coverage. Tell Nebraska’s U.S. Senators any health care bill they pass must improve Nebraskans’ ability to get the health care they need — not send us back to the days when too many Nebraskans were denied coverage or couldn’t afford it.

Call today!

Sen. Deb Fischer (402) 441-4600     Sen. Ben Sasse (402) 476-1400


This is a big week for our Senators to hear from you while they’re home from Washington, D.C. on recess. When they go back to the Capitol, make sure there is no doubt they know their constituents oppose the damaging AHCA!

The AHCA would strip coverage from thousands of Nebraskans like Michael, an entrepreneur who survived skin cancer only to be denied health insurance before the Affordable Care Act’s current protections.

The House bill also would end Medicaid as we know it, endangering the health coverage of the 1 in 8 Nebraskans – mostly children, seniors, and people with disabilities – who rely on it for life-saving medical care.

Older adults – who make up a big portion of Nebraska’s population – would also be greatly hurt by the AHCA. The bill allows older people to be charged five times more for coverage than a younger person. A person in their 60’s with a low income could see their health insurance costs go up by 800 percent!

Please call both Senators today! Leave a message with their staff that the AHCA is a bad prescription for Nebraskans. Any health care bill the Senate passes must allow people with preexisting conditions to afford quality insurance and improve on the ACA’s protections, not roll them backwards.

Every Nebraskan should be able to afford quality health insurance that covers the medical care they need when they need it.

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