May is National Foster Care Month. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan issued the first Presidential proclamation that established May as National Foster Care Month. This month, Nebraska Appleseed will be publishing a series of blogs on the work we do, alongside young adult advocates, to improve Nebraska’s foster care system.
Nebraska Appleseed works with government agencies, lawmakers, and communities on reforming child welfare policies, sometimes fighting to protect the legal rights of children through litigation. We also operate the Foster Care Reform Legal Resource Center (LRC), which assists attorneys in juvenile court practice and encourages systemic change within Nebraska’s child welfare system.
Through our work, we have played a role in the creation of the Nebraska Strengthening Families Act, the Bridge to Independence program, strengthening access to Medicaid to age 26 for youth who have been in foster care, and other systemic reforms.
On May 10th there will be a proclamation signing by Governor Ricketts to celebrate Foster Care Month. Also check back soon for updates to learn more about the foster care system, current federal and state issues and policies, and learn how you can play a role in advocating for Nebraska’s youth.