Note: We’ve been overwhelmed by the number of Nebraskans who wanted to tell us how the health insurance protections of the Affordable Care Act have improved their lives. This is one of those stories.
Sanel’s Story

I am a full time student who immigrated to Lincoln in 2001 and has been here since.
My health insurance plan accounts for me needing special medicine to care for my diabetes. I was able to find one that uses my family’s information so I can afford my insurance.
It was hard for me to find insurance that didn’t overcharge for diabetes care or deny me coverage outright. I used the ACA to find a plan that was suited for my medical needs: one that could cover the costs for my insulin, insulin pumps, test strips, lancet needles, keto sticks, glucagon, and other diabetes prescriptions.
It helped me get my diabetes and life under control. I was able to not worry about if I could afford my care. Instead, I could focus on school and work, rather than the depression that was brought on from diabetes.
Take Action!
Call the offices of Nebraska’s U.S. Senators today and tell them they must vote “NO” on the Graham-Cassidy health care bill that will cause premiums to skyrocket for thousands of Nebraskans, remove protections for Nebraskans with preexisting conditions, and make enormous cuts to Medicaid.
Sen. Deb Fischer (202) 224-6551 Sen. Ben Sasse (202) 224-4224
Tell their staff how important the ACA’s protections are to you or someone you care about.