One of the most-popular parts of our current health insurance system is letting young people be covered by their parents’ insurance until age 26.
Having this vital health coverage makes a young person more likely to be financially stable and reduces their chances of facing a large medical cost that can put them in a hole that is hard to climb out of as they start adulthood.
To make sure young people with foster care experience have this same opportunity to be covered by health insurance, they are covered by Medicaid until age 26 since most of these youth can’t be covered by a parent.
Will you make a call today to make sure young adults who age out of foster care can keep getting the health care they need?
Call our members of Congress today and tell them they must protect this life-saving health insurance coverage for youth who age out of foster care!
Sen. Deb Fischer (402) 441-4600 | Sen. Ben Sasse (402) 476-1400
Click here to find your U.S. Representative
Having health insurance is incredibly important as these young people age out of foster care and start the next chapter of their lives. It gives them the same security as their peers have through their parents’ insurance as young Nebraskans go to college or enter the workforce.
Please make the call today. Tell our Members of Congress that we must keep our commitment to the health of young Nebraskans who have aged out of foster care by maintaining Medicaid coverage for them until age 26.
Every young Nebraskan should have their best shot at a healthy adulthood. We must live up to this responsibility for all of our young people.