As people across the United States are volunteering to welcome Syrian refugees in their communities, a number of Governors recently announced that they want to stop their states from resettling Syrian refugees. Some Members of Congress have even introduced legislation that would stop refugee resettlement altogether.
It is critical that public officials hear from their constituents NOW as decisions are being made that will drastically impact the lives of Syrian refugees and refugee resettlement in the United States.
Please take action TODAY:
Call your Congressman and U.S. Senators : 1-866-961-4293
AND call Governor Ricketts: (402) 471-2244
When you call, tell the receptionist that as a constituent, you want to help WELCOME Syrian refugees and that you’re against the misguided calls of some governors – including Nebraska Governor Ricketts – to reject Syrian refugees. In the wake of recent global tragedies, we should act with compassion and leadership, not fear and misplaced blame. We must live up to our values of decency, community, and humanity.
Example: “I’m a constituent from [City] and I support the resettlement of Syrian refugees. I urge the Senator / Representative / Governor to represent me and other constituents who seek to welcome Syrian refugees.”
You can also tweet your Members of Congress and your network:
“.@REPRESENTATIVE, Our community is ready to welcome #Syrian #refugees. #RefugeesWelcome #AmericaWelcomes”
Now more than ever, we must live up to the welcoming values that make Nebraska our proud home and not turn away those who seek escape from the very terror we are trying to prevent. Please contact your Congressman and U.S. Senator, as well as Governor Ricketts today, and urge them to welcome Syrian refugees in Nebraska.