Legislative Update

2024 Legislative Session Wrap-up

Last Thursday, April 18, the Legislature adjourned sine die, meaning the body has concluded its work for the session. In 2024, our Unicameral passed 370 bills. Bills that did not pass, no matter how far they made it through the legislative process, must be reintroduced in future legislative sessions and start through the process again.  […]

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Legislative Update

Legislative Session 2024: Food Bill Recap

The 2024 Nebraska Legislative session ended April 18 with 370 bills passed and hundreds of others that did not. Food access-related legislation was received positively with at least one big win (Summer EBT)! Bills that did not pass, no matter how far they made it through the legislative process, must be reintroduced in future legislative

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Improving Access to Health Care – 2024 Legislative Wrap-up

We know that Nebraskans and our communities are healthier when everyone has equitable access to quality, affordable health care. This legislative session, a number of important bills passed to improve access to health care through Nebraska’s Medicaid program. Learn more about some of the positive changes below. Language Access is Critical for Health Care Access

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Call to action

TAKE ACTION: Support LB233 – When Child Support Laws Support Children, Everyone Wins

Do you believe that child support funds collected by the state should actually be used to support children in Nebraska’s lowest income families? On Wednesday, April 3rd, we were happy to see 38 members of the Legislature answer that question with a resounding “yes,” by voting to advance LB233 – a bill that would make

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LB575 Failed to Advance – Thank You for Your Advocacy!

Today, LB575 (Kathleen Kauth) – which harmfully prohibits transgender and gender diverse students from accessing school activities and facilities consistent with their gender identity – was blocked from advancing in the Legislature.  Trans and gender diverse young people in Nebraska will continue to have meaningful access to school activities, opportunities, and spaces, authentic to their

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Call to action

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Senator to Oppose LB575

All young Nebraskans deserve to be who they are, and to thrive in school and social environments.  Today, LB575 (Senator Kathleen Kauth) was voted out of the Nebraska Legislature’s Education Committee. This bill harmfully prohibits schools from allowing trans and gender diverse young people to access restrooms, locker rooms, or activities consistent with their gender

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Legislative Update

At the Capitol: Several Priority Bills Passed!

Today is Day 54 of the Nebraska Legislature’s 2024 session! Senators will continue all-day debate until we hit Day 60 on Thursday, April 18. Debate typically takes place from 9am-12pm and 1:30pm-5pm, including evening debate which will continue through the end of this week.  Last Week: Priority Bills Passed! We were thrilled to see several

At the Capitol: Several Priority Bills Passed! Read More »

Legislative Update

At the Capitol: LB20 advances to select file

With only 10 legislative days left, senators will continue all-day debate over the next couple of weeks until we hit Day 60. Debate typically takes place from 9am-12pm and 1:30pm-5pm, and last week started the session’s late night schedule which will continue through the end of next week.  Long-time Voting Rights Priority Advances We were

At the Capitol: LB20 advances to select file Read More »

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