STATEMENT: Governor’s vetoes harm health and safety of vulnerable Nebraskans

***For Immediate Release***

May 17, 2017

Contact, Jeff Sheldon
Nebraska Appleseed Communications Director
Office: (402) 438-8853
Mobile: (402) 840-7289

Statement on vote to override budget vetoes

Votes risk harm to health and safety of vulnerable Nebraskans


LINCOLN — Today, Nebraska Appleseed Executive Director Rebecca Gould issued the following statement on the failure to override the Governor’s line-item vetoes to the state budget.


“The poorest and most-vulnerable Nebraskans will now face the brunt of the Governor’s vetoes, endangering the health and safety of low-income children, seniors, and people with disabilities,” Gould said. “It is baffling how those with the least to give continue to be asked to sacrifice their health and well-being whenever the budget is cut. We applaud the State Senators who voted to override these vetoes and recognized the moral bankruptcy of making further dangerous cuts to programs that make a life-saving difference for hundreds of thousands of Nebraskans.

“We are at a turning point for our future ability to make sure every Nebraskan has the opportunity to succeed. It is in every Nebraskans’ best interest for our state to create policies that allow all families to be healthy, safe, and productive. We will continue to hold our leaders accountable to these values so we truly can say Nebraska is a place where the Good Life is attainable for everyone.”

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1 thought on “STATEMENT: Governor’s vetoes harm health and safety of vulnerable Nebraskans”

  1. Mary McKeighan

    Thank you for issuing that statement. As a 75 year old retired nurse I am ashamed of these actions of our present governor. I applaud those who stood up for the disabled and voted to over ride the veto.
    Mary McKeighan

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