Nebraska is a state that has learned hard lessons about what can happen to children and families when their needs go unmet. Yet, the Governor keeps making choices that cause further harm to our most-vulnerable Nebraskans.
Today, Governor Ricketts issued several line-item vetoes to the state budget (LB 327) that will cause long-lasting harm to the safety of children in foster care and the health of Nebraskans who are served by Medicaid.
Take Action!
Will you contact your State Senator today? Urge them to vote this week to override the Governor’s line-item vetoes of LB 327
The Legislature passed a balanced budget last week, however the Governor proposed even further cuts to the state Department of Health and Human Services, despite repeated funding cuts over the past decade. The Governor’s vetoes cut even more funds from Medicaid – which helps 1 in 8 Nebraskans get crucial health coverage – and reduce resources for serving people with developmental disabilities.
The cuts also reduce funds for providers of important child welfare services that ensure the safety and stability of at-risk families. These cuts would put more children in danger of serious injury or even death.
Over and over again, the poorest Nebraskans are the ones hurt by cuts to the state budget. Why does the Governor keep asking more from people who have the least?
The Legislature will vote on overriding these vetoes this week. Call or email your State Senator today. Please ask them to vote to override the vetoes of LB 327 and protect essential funding for important programs that keep children safe, families united, and Nebraskans healthy.
As a state, we must live up to our promises to our most vulnerable people and ensure all Nebraskans have the opportunity to achieve “The Good Life.”
Thank you for this information. I have written to my senator and requested that he override the guv’s vetoes on LB 327.