New Video: Medicaid program a win-win for Nebraska

We know Medicaid already works in Nebraska, helping children and low-income working families to see a doctor when they get sick.  It works for our state’s economy too, with studies estimating every dollar spent on Medicaid eventually produces at least seven dollars for our local economy.

Now, we have a great opportunity to embrace a real solution to provide health care access to more Nebraskans with LB 577, which would implement the Affordable Care Act’s new Medicaid program in our state.

Watch this new video to see why the new Medicaid program is a win-win for the health of our people and the strength of our economy (please share it with a friend!).

Take Action! Call or write your state senator and urge them to support LB 577.  It’s a good deal for our state.  It will grow the economy.  And it’s the right thing to do.

For more information check out Appleseed’s resources on the new Medicaid program:

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