We are very excited to launch our newly re-designed web site at NEAppleseed.org!
Not only does our new site have a sleek, updated look, but we’ve taken steps to make the site much more friendly for our supporters to learn more and take action on Appleseed’s issues, and for our clients to find the help they need.
From the new home page at neappleseed.org you’re only one click away from learning about the work of our Economic Justice, Child Welfare, Health Care, and Immigrants & Communities programs.
You can easily learn how to take action on the issues you care about, read the latest news and research on our blog, see upcoming events, and support our work with your time or give a financial donation.
Take a look around the new NEAppleseed.org,learn more about how we’re working for justice and opportunity for all Nebraskans, and stand up for justice!
Let us know what you think! Share your feedback online.
We would like to thank the talented team who helped produce our new web site and Appleseed’s new look. Our new Appleseed logo, website, and brand were designed by Cathy Solarana. Rainbow Rowell produced much of the language that explains who we are and what we do. Justin Kemerling created our new program illustrations and many of our new factsheets and infographics.