September 6, 2014
Contact, Jeff Sheldon Nebraska Appleseed Office: (402) 438-8853 Mobile: (402) 840-7289 Email: jsheldon@neappleseed.orgAppleseed Statement on President Obama’s Delay of Action on Immigration
Several major outlets have reported that President Obama will delay making any decisions about administrative changes to immigration policy until after the November 2014 elections. Below is a statement from Darcy Tromanhauser, director of Nebraska Appleseed’s Immigrants & Communities Program.
“We are extremely disappointed this temporary fix will be delayed,” Tromanhauser said. “Immediate administrative relief by the President would have been a wise, temporary policy and the very least that can be done when Congress has now failed for years — in fact decades — to create up-to-date, common-sense immigration laws. Each day, our antiquated system tears apart Nebraska families and hurts our communities and economy. Delay in the President’s temporary fix will also have very real and tragically unnecessary consequences for Nebraska parents, children and communities.”