Nebraskans to celebrate National Welcoming Week

Welcoming Week 2013-jpgA new and growing chorus of voices across the country – from mayors to business owners to everyday residents – recognize the contributions that immigrants bring to our communities and are developing comprehensive efforts to welcome them.

This week, from September 15th to the 22nd, this chorus will grow as immigrants and U.S.-born individuals come together across the the U.S. to create stronger communities during National Welcoming Week.

Close to 80 events are planned in 22 states, including right here in Nebraska, to celebrate the diversity and vibrancy of our communities when we welcome people of all backgrounds and origins.

Thursday, September 19 is World Day on the Mall, where Nebraskans will celebrate food, music, art, and culture from around the world inside Lincoln’s Pershing Center, located on Centennial Mall.

Also on Thursday, people are invited to Schuyler, Nebraska, for a tour of small businesses owned by both immigrants and long-time Schuyler residents.  This tour will showcase the richness of the Schuyler business community, bring neighbors of all backgrounds together, and celebrate how diversity continues to strengthen this small-town Nebraska economy.

Throughout this Welcoming Week, Lincoln High students and Lincoln area quilters are sharing stories and learning about each other as they create a story quilt of memories and dreams together at the Sheldon Museum of Art. The completed quilt will be be displayed publicly in the Spring.

The Omaha Diversity and Inclusion Conference on Monday, September 23 will bring together immigrants and Omaha community members, businesses, and employers to share stories and learn and develop strategies to create a culture of inclusiveness and embrace the rich diversity of Omaha’s workforce. The conference is 8:30-4:30 at the Omaha Hilton Hotel, 1001 Cass Street. To register, contact Laura de Rosier at

We hope you can join in one of these events to continue to promote Nebraska’s nationally recognized spirit of welcoming people from all over the world and continue to grow our state’s welcoming atmosphere for all.

National Welcoming Week includes other events across the country:

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