Take Action – Add your voice to Nebraska tax discussion

Rebuild Logo UpdatedOur state’s tax system affects every Nebraska family, and changes in tax policy can have big implications especially to families that make low incomes.

To make sure our tax system is fair for our state’s lowest-earning families, Appleseed is keeping a close eye on the discussion about possible changes to Nebraska’s tax system made by the Legislature’s Tax Modernization Committee.

Appleseed is part of a group of statewide organizations and stakeholders called Rebuild Nebraska, which is dedicated to supporting Nebraska’s families, communities, businesses, schools, infrastructure, and workforce through a tax structure that is responsible, fair, and ensures adequate revenue to meet the state’s responsibilities.

Senators are eager to hear from you as they consider changes to our tax system.

This month, you will have a chance to participate in this discussion, which is very important to protecting The Good Life Nebraska has worked so hard to build.  The Legislature’s Tax Modernization Committee is holding a series of public hearings across the state in September.  The Modernization Committee has released proposals for changes to our tax system and you’re invited to attend and offer your feedback on those proposals.

Click here to read the committee’s tax proposals.

The Tax Modernization Committee public hearings will be held:

Monday, Sept. 23 at Western Nebraska Community College in Scottsbluff, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Mountain

Tuesday, Sept. 24 at North Platte Community College in North Platte, 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central

Thursday, Sept. 26 at Northeast Nebraska Community College in Norfolk, 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central


As Appleseed and our partners in Rebuild Nebraska review these proposals we will be focused on some key principles.

Rebuild Nebraska believes Nebraska’s tax system should:

  • Allow us to invest in things Nebraska families rely on like top-notch neighborhood schools, safe communities, and well-kept streets and roads.

  • Encourage the creation of jobs and focus on investments that actually boost the economy.

  • Ensure a progressive structure that does not force middle-class and low-income families to pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than the wealthy.

Please consider attending one of these hearings. Public feedback that is robust and balanced will be critical to this process and to ensuring the best tax policy for Nebraska.  Appleseed would be happy to answer questions and talk with people interested in these hearings.

If you cannot attend one of these meetings, please consider writing a letter to the editors of your local newspapers to urge lawmakers to change the tax code in ways that support our state’s strong schools, healthy residents and safe communities.

Please contact Jeff Sheldon at Nebraska Appleseed if you’re willing to speak at a hearing or would like information on how to submit a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.

Your help with this effort will go a long way toward protecting and strengthening our state’s vital investments in education, health care and safe communities.

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