Note: Each summer, Nebraska Appleseed is fortunate to work with a number of bright, talented law clerks and interns. This is one of a series of posts that feature Appleseed’s clerks and interns discussing their backgrounds and experiences.
Name: Christopher Preston
Position: Law Clerk
Hometown: Freeburg, Illinois
About Me: “I went to college at the University of Illinois. Now, I’m going to University of Nebraska – Lincoln College of Law. I will be a 3L in the fall. I’ve been married just over two years now. I have a Boston Terrier. If I’m not working or studying, I’m usually just with my wife and dog.”
Why Appleseed: “Appleseed, every year holds interviews at the law school, and I had an interview with them my first year. I met (Appleseed attorney) Robbie McEwen my 1L year and I really enjoyed it. I knew Appleseed was full of great people and a really great reputation for clerkships. I came back second year to another interview and they hired me on. They have a good reputation for work environment and also for being a very positive legal and political force in the state of Nebraska. I hope to gain legal experience and skills here, but I also came here hoping to make a difference with what Appleseed is trying to do; trying to make changes with Nebraska’s political system and legal framework. Both for my own benefit and and for the benefit of people who live here.
Future Plans: “Take the bar exam and hopefully pass in a year. That basically is all I’m thinking about now. Planning on anything else beyond that is getting ahead of myself. I’m interest in a lot of fields, criminal and immigration law especially.”