Take Action

Take Action – Tell Congress to put a stop to inhumane family separation

Separating children from their parents seeking asylum is inhumane and un-American.

Nebraskans agree that strong, united families are the foundation of successful communities. And for generations, our immigration laws reflected those values.

But now, cruel and inhumane new policies are threatening families who are seeking safety in the U.S. from danger. The White House has announced a new plan to separate children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border and warehouse kids on military bases.

At Appleseed, we believe this is a horrible decision that violates every value of decency and humanity that we have. It’s a throwback to some of the most shameful times in American history and completely disregards Nebraskan and American values. It is shocking to see the President has not learned from these shameful failures of our past.

Take Action!

Make a call today! Tell our U.S. Senators and your Congressmen our immigration policies must be built on humanity and the sanctity of united families. Urge Congress to pass updated immigration laws and demand the White House immediately end this unconscionable plan to rip children away from their parents.

U.S. Senators

Sen. Deb Fischer (202) 224-6551

Sen. Ben Sasse (202) 224-4224

U.S. Representatives

District 1 – Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (202) 225-4806

District 2 – Rep. Don Bacon (202) 225-4155

District 3 – Rep. Adrian Smith (202) 225-6435

Not sure who your U.S. Representative is? Click here to find out

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