STATEMENT – Supreme Court ruling ensures health coverage for 57,000 Nebraskans

***For Immediate Release***

NE_Appleseed_Icons_SupremeCourt-128June 25, 2015


Contact, James Goddard
Health Care Director, Nebraska Appleseed
Office: (402) 438-8853


Appleseed Statement on King v. Burwell Ruling

Supreme Court decision upholds access to vital health coverage for Nebraskans


LINCOLN — Today, Nebraska Appleseed Health Care Director James Goddard issued the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on King v. Burwell.


“The Supreme Court’s ruling today ensures that nearly 57,000 Nebraskans will keep their subsidies that make vital health insurance affordable,” Goddard said. “This decision means that these Nebraskans will be able to continue to get the medical care they need to work, be healthy, take care of their families, and participate in their communities. The ACA is working in our state and is a valuable tool for people in all parts of Nebraska to access health care.


“Today’s ruling underscores that we should fully implement all the opportunities under the ACA to strengthen our health care system and improve Nebraskans’ lives. The next step should be to expand Medicaid and ensure every Nebraskan can get health coverage. We urge our Legislature to bring our tax dollars back to Nebraska to make health coverage affordable for everyone, stabilize our hospitals, and boost our economy.”


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