Today is a proud day for Nebraska, the home of Arbor Day and the notion that when we all work together planting and nurturing trees, we can truly create dramatic, positive changes to our landscape.
At Nebraska Appleseed, we share that belief. When a group of Nebraskans comes together to plant and nurture the seeds of justice and opportunity, we can bring about dramatic positive changes for our communities and our state.
Right now, the future health and prosperity of 54,000 of our fellow Nebraskans rests in the hands of our legislative leaders. They need to hear from you that LB 577, which would provide access to health care to our family members, friends and neighbors and bring billions of our tax dollars back to Nebraska, deserves a vote this session.
I ask that today, after you plant a tree, that you sow a seed of justice and call, email, or tweet to your senator asking them to support LB 577. All of us acting together can bring about meaningful access to health care for all Nebraskans.