If you’ve been a follower of Appleseed for very long at all, you will have gathered one of our biggest priorities is making sure every Nebraskan has the ability to see a doctor when they or their families become sick or injured.
Yesterday, Appleseed was proud to testify in support of LB 577, Senator Kathy Campbell’s bill that would implement the new Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act.
There are many reasons to support this bill, which you can read in the transcript of our testimony, but the bottom line is this: LB 577 is a great deal for our state, it will grow the economy, and it’s the right thing to do.
Watch video of Appleseed’s testimony in support of LB 577:
It will give tens of thousands of uninsured Nebraskans an affordable health care option. It brings billions of tax dollars Nebraskans are already paying back into our state to work for us – strengthening our economy and our communities. It will generate new economic growth and sustain thousands of jobs. And every year, it will prevent 500 Nebraskans from dying needlessly.
Yesterday, Appleseed proudly stood beside doctors, hospital administrators, county leaders, teachers, advocates, and the very people that would be helped by this bill to fight for the right of every Nebraskan to be able see a doctor. Supporters testified for more than three hours!
We will continue to be a passionate supporter of LB 577, and we hope you will join us.
Please call or write your state senator and let them know you feel LB 577 is a great opportunity to address our health care access issues. It is an opportunity we cannot afford to pass up.
Read more coverage of the February 28 LB 577 hearing:
Associated Press
Omaha World-Herald
Lincoln Journal Star
Nebraska Watchdog
Audio: Nebraska Radio Network