STATEMENT: Nebraska approved to implement Pandemic EBT, a federal option under SNAP

***For Immediate Release***
Friday, June 19, 2020

Contact: Magdalena Cazarez
Communications Director, Nebraska Appleseed
C: (402) 504-0074 

Nebraska approved to implement Pandemic EBT, a federal option under SNAP

Ensuring over 150,000 Nebraska children and families have the meals they need to stay healthy

Kids eating

Lincoln, NE — On Thursday, June 18, 2020, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services was approved to implement Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT), a temporary federal option that allows states to provide resources to families whose kids are on the free and reduced-price lunch program while schools are closed. P-EBT will provide eligible families with two additional disbursements of benefits to help purchase food for their children. This will result in tens of millions of dollars going directly to help Nebraska families meet basic needs during these challenging economic times.

Nebraska Appleseed Economic Justice Program Director, Ken Smith, issued the following statement:

“We applaud the Governor and the Departments of Education and Health and Human Services for their efforts to implement P-EBT in Nebraska. Pulling down additional federal funding to help families make ends meet is the right thing to do and will help thousands of Nebraskans weather the ongoing pandemic and the economic challenges it brings. We look forward to working with the Departments of Education and Health and Human Services to make sure Nebraskans are aware of this program and can easily access it.”

Families already participating in SNAP will automatically have the funds added to their EBT card and don’t need to apply. Families participating in the free and reduced-price lunch program but not on SNAP must apply for the program at this Nebraska-specific website or by calling the AccessNebraska hotline at 1-800-383-4278 between June 22 and July 19. A P-EBT card will be issued to eligible families. For questions on P-EBT, please contact Eric Savaiano at or (402) 438-8853 ext 126.


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