International Women's Day

Women’s History Month: From Challenge Comes Change


International Women's Day

In March we celebrate women in two ways. Today, March 8th is International Women’s Day and in the United States we recognize Women’s History Month throughout the month.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme “Choose to Challenge” invites women to call out gender bias and inequality. From challenge comes change. We can choose to challenge and together we can help create an inclusive world.

As we celebrate and stand in support of women throughout Women’s History Month we should also challenge ourselves not to forget immigrant women. Photographer Wesaam Al-Badry, who came to Lincoln, Nebraska as a refugee said he always likes to show the strength of women in his photos because it was the women who kept the families together, fed and safe. You can begin to learn about and celebrate some of the great contributions immigrant women continue to make to our Nebraska communities by reading and sharing interviews from our ‘Celebrating Nebraska Immigrants’ Interview Series

Immigrant women help drive our economy and our society. Yet, in the same year we celebrate the historic inauguration of the first woman Vice President who is the daughter of immigrants, immigrant women continue to earn less than native-born women despite having higher participation in the workforce than native-born women. It’s time we recognize, celebrate and support all women.

Challenge stereotypes. Challenge bias and inequalities. In 2021, let’s challenge ourselves to stand together in solidarity and support of women across the globe.

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