Every Kid Healthy Week aims to spark change to improve the health of Nebraska children

Nebraska Appleseed is excited to be a part of Every Kid Healthy Week in 2018!

Every Kid Healthy Week is an annual week-long recognition of wellness achievements in schools across the country. It was launched by our partners at Action for Healthy Kids in 2013 and will be hosted this year from April 23-27. Schools can join us in celebrating the sixth annual event by hosting fun and interactive health-promoting events for the community or students and parents.

Get ideas on creating an event at your school by visiting www.EveryKidHealthyWeek.org.

Wellness activities can take many forms but they usually involve encouraging healthy nutrition or being active. Events like nutritious taste tests, family fitness nights, annual wellness checks, or 5K runs have been planned already.

Every Kid Healthy Week is a chance to spark change to improve the health of Nebraska children. Appleseed recently released a Nebraska School Breakfast Report that looked at how every school and district in Nebraska was doing when it comes to feeding students a morning meal. We have lots of work to do in moving the needle on school breakfast, but now is a great time to start.

Elementary schools could consider inviting parents to join students for breakfast at school to show off their cafeterias and menus. Middle and high schools may want to host a breakfast smoothie making competition with peers for judges. Getting more students the food they need at breakfast would support wellness and academics for every community in our state and schools should look for every opportunities they can to make that happen.

Let’s get some teachers, students and parents moving to make #EveryKidHealthy in Nebraska!

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